Tuesday, October 6, 2009

a program that would read a number and the base of the number system and print the equivalent decimal value ( for many bases) using Integer.pasrseInt

a program that would read a number and the base of the number system
and print the equivalent decimal value ( for many bases ) using Integer.pasrseInt

01# import java.util.Scanner;
03# public class javaprog{
05# public static void main(String[] args){
07# System.out.println("\n\n\tProgram using Integer.parseInt \n");
08# System.out.println("\t tested with many digits and bases like base 2 to base 10 and base 16 \n");
10# //ask the value to convert
11# System.out.print("Enter the value which you want to convert in to decimal:");
12# Scanner parseint = new Scanner(System.in);
13# String parseintVal=parseint.next();
15# //ask for the base of the value which enterd
16# System.out.print("\nEnter the base of the value which you entered first:");
17# Scanner parseintScan = new Scanner(System.in);
18# int parseintBase = parseintScan.nextInt();
20# //calculation using Integer.parseInt
21# int i= Integer.parseInt(parseintVal,parseintBase);
23# //prints the decimal value
24# System.out.println("\n\t Decimal Value of " +parseintVal+ " ( base "+ parseintBase+ " ) is "+i+"\n");
26# }
27# }

Program using Integer.parseInt
tested with many digits and bases like base 2 to base 10 and base 16
Enter the value which you want to convert in to decimal:123ACD
Enter the base of the value which you entered first:16
Decimal Value of 123ACD ( base 16 ) is 1194701

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