Tuesday, October 6, 2009

a program that would read a number and the base of the number system and print the equivalent decimal value

a program that would read a number and the base of the number system
and print the equivalent decimal value ( for bases less than 10 ) using Math.pow

01# import java.util.Scanner;
03# public class javaprog{
05# public static void main(String[] args){
07# //base of the value which enterd
08# System.out.print("Enter the base of the value which you wish to enter :");
09# Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
10# double base = scan.nextInt();
12# //value to convert
13# System.out.println("\n You need to add zero '0' in front of the value, if itdoesn't have 8 digits \n");
14# System.out.print("Enter the value which you want to convert in to decimal:");
15# Scanner value = new Scanner(System.in).useDelimiter("");
17# //scans the value by nextInt(); and saves them as int
18# int d0=value.nextInt();
19# int d1=value.nextInt();
20# int d2=value.nextInt();
21# int d3=value.nextInt();
22# int d4=value.nextInt();
23# int d5=value.nextInt();
24# int d6=value.nextInt();
25# int d7=value.nextInt();
27# //calculates the powers using Math.pow(base,exp);
28# int v7=(int)Math.pow(base,7)*d0;
29# int v6=(int)Math.pow(base,6)*d1;
30# int v5=(int)Math.pow(base,5)*d2;
31# int v4=(int)Math.pow(base,4)*d3;
32# int v3=(int)Math.pow(base,3)*d4;
33# int v2=(int)Math.pow(base,2)*d5;
34# int v1=(int)Math.pow(base,1)*d6;
35# int v0=(int)Math.pow(base,0)*d7;
37# //calculates the sum of v0 to v7
38# int decimalValue=v0+v1+v2+v3+v4+v5+v6+v7;
40# //casting base to int
41# int base1=(int)base;
43# //prints the result
44# System.out.println("\n\tYou entered : " +d0+d1+d2+d3+d4+d5+d6+d7 + " with base : " +base1 );
45# System.out.println("\n\tdeciaml value for : " +d0+d1+d2+d3+d4+d5+d6+d7 +" using Math.pow is :"+ decimalValue);
47# }
48# }


Enter the base of the value which you wish to enter :8
You need to add zero '0' in front of the value, if it doesn't have 8 digits
Enter the value which you want to convert in to decimal:45454545
You entered : 45454545 with base : 8
deciaml value for : 45454545 using Math.pow is :9853285

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